Things We Wish We Knew Before Playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure

When you first dive into the mysterious island of Hello Kitty Island Adventure, it might seem a little scary with how empty it is. However, as you play through the story, you’ll realize that the game is quite cozy, and you can run around exploring the island while meeting up with your friends to your heart’s content.

As this is essentially an open-world game with few restrictions on where you can go, it’s important to keep a few things in mind if you want to make the most out of your time. There isn’t any right way to play this beautiful game, but these tips will help.
Pick Up Everything You See
If you’re someone who commonly plays open-world games, this might be something you’re already doing. Whenever you go around the map in these games, you’ll see various items lying on the ground. It’s important to pick these items up as you go as they can help a lot in the long run.
Whenever you’re on a certain part of the map in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, you’ll see some items shine every few seconds. These are the items that you can either pick up or interact with. Here are some of the most important things you’ll find:
- Game tickets that can be used to play minigames all across the map.
- Various comics that add to your collection.
- Fruits, flowers, and critters that you can use for collection, recipes, or gifting other people.
Don’t Ignore Gifts
Talking about gifts, this is arguably one of the most important mechanics in the game. When you’re on the plane in the beginning, you’ll have various passengers to talk to. These passengers will also join the island with you, with some of them being available at the start and others that you have to find in specific areas.
You have a separate friendship with each island member, and you can increase this by doing quests for them or giving them gifts. You can give three gifts to each member daily, and it’s important to make the most out of these if you want to progress the game fast.
Many mechanics like swimming or fishing are unlocked by reaching a certain friendship level with certain members.
Keep A Lookout For Chests
When you’re exploring the map in any game, one of the most satisfying feelings is when you open a chest and get the reward within. Hello Kitty Island Adventure isn’t any short of this satisfaction as you can find various chests all across the map. These chests can provide various items including the recipe or plans for making something.
Some of these chests might be locked, and you’ll have to finish certain quests or get certain keys to unlock them. Apart from chests, you can also find minigames all across the map to give you rewards based on the difficulty you finish them on.
Discover New Recipes
Soon after you start running errands for various members on the island, you’ll unlock Hello Kitty’s cafe where you can start cooking things. The first place that unlocks for you in this area is the pie maker. Here, you can add various ingredients alongside some flour to bake yourself a pie.
It’s important to test out ingredients here as you get them since this will let you unlock new recipes. Once you have a certain pie, you can head out and find a villager who’d enjoy it by going to the gift menu. As you progress, you’ll unlock more cooking methods, and there’s a whole world of recipes to discover.
Puzzle Rooms Give Nice Rewards
While going around the map of Hello Kitty Island Adventure, you might stumble upon some random doors that lead to a different area. For Seaside Resort, the first area, most of these doors will be opened when you have another companion with you since you need to stand on two buttons at the same time.
For other areas, these doors can open after you get a specific fragment. Once you enter these doors, you’ll enter a puzzle room where you’ll have to rack your brain to get a chest. Thankfully, the rewards in these chests are worth it, and you should aim to get them done as soon as you can.
You Can Keep Track Of Collections
The exploration and questing of open-world games aside, one of the major aspects that keep players playing these games is collectibles. If you’re someone who enjoys doing a 100 percent completion run, this game is just for you as you’d be surprised by the sheer number of collectibles you can get.
When you open your phone, you’ll see a Collections tab. This will have an entry for everything you can collect from clothes to fish to recipes. Not only are there multiple tabs in this section, but there are multiple tabs when you enter some of these as well. Whenever you get a new item, you can check your progress toward completion easily here.
Guided Mode In Quest Is Useful
When guided mode is mentioned for questing in a game, you’d usually think it’s for people who want to make the game easy. However, for Hello Kitty Island Adventure, the guided mode is almost a necessity for most quests. When the dialogue in the quest ends, you know where you need to go, but there are times when you have no idea where the target could be.
For these instances, you can head to the quest section on the phone and allow the progress of the target quest to be tracked. Once you do that, you can also enable the guide mode where you’ll see a sparkle on the screen. This sparkle will move towards your target, making the process a lot easier.
Finish Your Daily Activities
After your first day on the mysterious island, whenever you enter Hello Kitty Island Adventure, you’ll get a free gift to get your day started. Past that, you’ll also get four time-limited quests that you can find in the second tab of the quest section. These are called daily activities, and are given to you by specific villagers.
Most of these are easy quests like finding certain items or gifting a certain amount of villagers. Once finished, these quests provide friendship for the quest giver alongside some other rewards. Daily quests are a good way to get a decent bit of friendship with the islanders, and it’s recommended to finish them, well, daily.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Mailbox Location Guide
Mailboxes serve as fast-travel points in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. Here, you can learn where to find each one in the game.