Harold Halibut is a retro-futuristic narrative adventure game that takes place in the depths of an alien ocean

Harold Halibut is a retro-futuristic narrative adventure game that takes place in the depths of an alien ocean

The weird and wonderful world of Harold Halibut is entirely hand-built. It’s not the strangest thing about Slow Bros’ upcoming narrative adventure about an unlikely friendship between a human and an alien fishman as they search for the meaning of home. Still, it’s by far the most unexpected element right off the bat. “We started out working with actual stop-motion animation,” art director Ole Tillmann tells us of the game’s stylistic origins, “[But] we made an early decision to continue building the game’s world and characters like we would for a stop-motion film, but using digital animation instead.” 

The result is a nostalgia-tinged, claymation-style delight, complete with all the charming oddity of a Wes Anderson classic. It’s a unique choice for a video game, stunning as it is. Slow Bros. consider this handmade component a way of “unearthing fantastical thoughts and making them accessible to game-playing people,” according to Tillmann – and Harold Halibut is nothing if not fantastical.

Coming home

Harold Halibut

(Image credit: Slow Bros.)

Big in 2024

Big in 2024: GamesRadar+ preview of the biggest games of the year

(Image credit: Future)

GamesRadar+ is exploring the most anticipated video games of the year with Big in 2024, with new articles dropping every day throughout January. 


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